These opportunities are available to various cadets looking to further expand their skills and leadership.
Cadet Basic Camp
For those who miss their first or second year of ROTC, travel to Ft. Know, KY: baseline your soldiering skills, challenge yourself, and grow as an individual and a leader for a month over the summer.
Army ROTC Advanced Camp is a 35-day training event designed to develop a Cadet’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to forge them into tough, adaptable leaders who can thrive in ambiguous and complex environments. Advanced Camp is the capstone leader development opportunity for all Cadets between their Military Science (MS) III and MS IV years of ROTC.
Advanced Camp
Cadet Troop Leader Training
Select Cadets have the opportunity to increase their leadership experience by assignments to platoon leader or similar positions with Active Army units or with government agencies for 3 weeks within the continental United States to 4 weeks at assignments outside of the continental United States. Cadets serve in lieutenant-level leadership positions in active-duty units and are assigned a mentor, provided on-post lodging, and meals via a Dining Facility.
Project GO is a nationwide program open to all qualified ROTC students offering fully-funded opportunities in critical language education, overseas study, and cross-cultural experience. Through Project GO, future military officers develop linguistic and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership for all Services in the 21st-century operational environment.
Project GO
Airborne School
Airborne School is located at Ft. Moore, Georgia, it is available through Army ROTC to all contracted cadets. The course is three weeks long, consisting of a ground week, tower week, and jump week. Each week covers different topics or points of performance, designed to teach Cadets to conduct airborne operations. After five successful parachute jumps, including one night jump and own combat equipment jump, Cadets will be awarded the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge.
Training is available at different Army posts across the country. It is a 12-day course that consists of rigorous physical training, helicopter sling load training, rappelling, and a 12-mile timed road march in full combat gear. Cadets from Fighting Illini Army ROTC proudly display their Air Assault wings and can share their stories from training with you.
Air Assault School
Mountain Warfare School
A two-week program conducted at the Ethan Allen Firing Range, Jericho, VT. It introduces you to the techniques and tactics required to operate in a mountainous environment under hostile conditions. The instruction includes advanced navigational training, special mobility training (with special operations forces mountaineering equipment), and mountain tactical instruction.
A two-week program conducted at the Northern Warfare Training Center at Fort Wainwright, AK. The course is designed to train cadets in the skills required for conducting military operations in typical mountainous terrain found throughout the world. Special emphasis is placed on basic military mountaineering skills.
Northern Warfare School
Combat Qualification Diver Course
The most highly selective program available to cadets, the Course has less than fifteen cadet slots each year. The training is physically and mentally exhausting, so preparation above and beyond the basic requirements of the school is mandatory. To get accepted into CDQC, one must complete a Pre-CDQC course at West Point, NY.
Participating in the Army ROTC Program affords you the opportunity to try new and exciting things. Each of the opportunities described here offers the most current training and capabilities in the field, while also providing you with a paycheck during your time at the training installation.